viernes, 6 de septiembre de 2013

The best photos of Daniel the Super Model

One of the most beautiful in the World

Name: Daniel Rumfelt
Age: 19
Where: Midwest USA
Height: 5'11"
Weight: 212 Lbs
Years Bodybuilding :2
Favorite Bodypart: Quads
Favorite Exercise: Hang Cleans
Favorite Supplements: NaNO Vapor
How Did You Get Started?

Since a young age I've always competed in sports year round, mainly football, basketball, track, baseball, and swim team. I've always made it a priority to look great and be in exceptional condition. I'm extremely competitive in everything.

I always pushed myself to out due all my friends, guys in the gym or anyone else for that matter. I strive to be bigger, faster, and stronger, have more definition, more vascularity, or just looking good, whatever it is I want to be the best at it.

At the end of my junior year, when I started taking lifting serious, I went from weighing 163 lbs to 212 lbs the end of summer my senior year.

The outgoing and Thrill

The conservative and Sensuality

The strength and Tempting

The varied and sensational

The Modern and Classic

The beauty of a model from inside your Heart

Charles A Model From History Next

We report continuity inshort Charles who despite being a skinny man decides to change for their own good and benefit.

Charles decides this photo as Role Model Daniel, who besides being a model exlente is also one of the most beautiful faces of History

Any exercise plan must take a combination of exercise, diet and lack of stress. If you exercise every day, but your favorite restaurant McDonalds is not going to get anything , like if you exercise and diet but have a stressful life , because all you'll get is sending around to walk away . So if you are in that percentage of the population so large that even does not have the beach body you want, here I put some tips:

   1) Exercise - The two main things that everyone wants are " burn fat " and " tone " . To get both , you have to switch between aerobic and anaerobic exercise . Want a sexy ass , strong arms and muscular legs ? Try this for the next four weeks :

   If you are new try a plan that you incorporate 20 minutes of cardiovascular activity ( running, swimming , cycling) every two days. The days I do not do this a total of 50 pushups, 100 squats, 100 crunches , and 5 minutes of stretching throughout the day.

   If you like challenges can increase the difficulty of your workout . Improves the cardio to 40-50 minutes every other day . This will make you lose calories , and increase your energy levels , and improve blood flow and metabolism control . The days in between make a total of 100 push-ups , 50 bicep curls per arm ( medium weight ), 10 minutes of stretching (5 min arms , rest 5 minutes ) , 200 crunches, five minutes of squats , 150 squats , 50 ' lunges ' per leg and 10 minutes of stretching muscles.

   2 ) Diet - For this is what 's most controversial , since no nutritionist agrees , but there are key things that everyone agrees and you should know.

      a) Reduce carbohydrates. Avoid sweets , sweets , white bread , soda and other sugary foods and drinks. Take unsweetened yogurt with fruit. Take time to read the nutrition facts of your meals . You may be surprised the amount of calories in beer and alcohol. While you may prefer to live in ignorance we leave you some facts : half a bottle of beer has about 150-200 kcal and 10-20 grams of carbohydrates. Most alcoholic beverages ( rum , vodka , whiskey , tequila ) have about 100 calories per bottle , and even without carbohydrates almost always mix it with juices , soda , or other sugary drink ,be careful with the calories! You should take approximately between 135 and 180 grams per day (this means that 3 beers are almost half the carbohydrates you can take) .

   b ) Reduce consumption of calories. If you reduce your intake of calories (or you increase the burning of calories through exercise) to 550 kcal a day , you'll burn 1 kg each week. If you have a good exercise routine , you may need to cut calories to make up the difference . If you are sedentary , you can calculate the amount of calories you burn and add the right amount of exercise to your day. ( As a general reference , you burn 500 calories running on a treadmill for 45 minutes or 450 calories swimming for 60 minutes) . Take time to research your restaurants before going to eat, or ask a nutritional guide if available.

      c ) Avoid processed foods as much as possible . Check out the ingredients of the food , and if you see some chemical components , it is best that you refrain . These are the worst : butylated hydroxytoluene (used in jet fuel , rubber and embalming fluids . May cause cancer and liver damage ) , fructose corn syrup ( fructose loaded with "unbound " and molecules of glucose, reactive carbonyls molecules can cause tissue damage that can lead to obesity , diabetes and heart disease ), Yellow # 5 [ most colors permitted for use in food comes from coal tar and can contain up to 10 parts per million of lead (ppm) and arsenic ] . Among others are textured soy protein concentrate , carrageenan , maltodextrin, disodium inosinate , disodium guanylate , modified corn starch ( each of these use monosodium glutamate ( MSG) , which has been shown to accelerate bone loss has been associated with skin rashes , nausea , headaches, heart irregularities , and even seizures ) .

   3 ) Reduces stress , this is not rejuvenates the body but the mind relaxes , releases toxins , hormones stabilizes and promotes cell growth . Here are some safe and healthy tips for reducing stress :

      a) sleep enough. The short sleep duration has been associated with increased body mass index (BMI ) , a higher likelihood of obesity , increased risk of diabetes and heart problems, and increased stress . According to the U.S. National Sleep Foundation , an adult needs 7-9 hours of sleep each night to avoid this increase in risk factors.

      b ) Meditation . Studies show it reduces stress, sleep disorders , addictions , depression , eating disorders , lowers blood pressure and increases cellular health . Find a secluded place and leave your iPod , mobile phone , laptop , books and other distractions . Breathe deeply and focus on letting your breath out of your body slowly . After 15 minutes , you will feel rejuvenated and able to concentrate much more effective.

   Each of these three components ( exercise, diet and stress reduction ) plays a critical role in our health and fitness. If your goal is to lose weight, tone up and gain confidence , this is your article , that dream body is not so far from what you think.

Getting a strong and well-toned stomach is one of the goals we set at this time of year for the summer and be perfect. As we have been discussing in countless post , abdominal exercise is necessary as aerobic exercise if we remove the layer of fat that covers our abdomen , but do not care to remember that food and follow a set of points is essential for get that unwanted belly .
Under the theme of food is very doubtful , and it is not as simple as it seems , not only because it is able to choose foods that provide energy and do not give us that clog our belly fat , but you also have to choose food to keep our bellies flat, free of gas and bloating . For this we give you some tips in this post to find out which is most suitable for eating when dialing a flat stomach .
Needless to say that at the time of feeding must put aside foods with a high calorie and high doses of fat . These are the causes that our abs are not visible. Apart from this there are some foods that can be of great help in getting speed up metabolism, give us energy without fat intake or make fats are removed more easily without accumulating in our abdomen.
- Whole foods
Whole foods are essential if we are to maintain a flat stomach, and we provide energy slowly, so that our body take and use rather than makes them as fat deposits . Also, do not forget that we provide fiber, which help keep our body cleansed and with it the belly will show free flat water retention and other swelling caused by excess toxins and gases.
- Nuts
Nuts are another food that should be present at the time of getting a flat stomach . But keep in mind that should be natural , avoiding those that are fried , as they should not contain added oils , that will bring us fat poor quality. This food we provide energy to work properly, and to keep satisfied at all times. Among all nuts recommend almonds by high satiating power and for being a good food to our muscles without giving us unnecessary fats for our body. This food would recommend eating between meals to prevent hunger and food to eat less nutritious foods .
- Perform five meals a day
We need to respect the five meals of small amount each. It is therefore necessary to choose foods that satiate and take away hunger. Raw almonds , mentioned above, are a good idea , but so are the fat yogurt , to help us avoid getting hungry with little fat , high in protein and help regulate our bowels to avoid malfunction of the and the accumulation of gases.
- Fruits yvegetales
Eating fruits and vegetables is a good alternative to keep our bodies pure. Consuming vegetables is good before each meal , and that thus we avoid satiate before and consume more food than necessary . With fruit it is the same , although it is advisable to consume between meals provechar the most of nutrients and prevent fermentation of the same in the stomach .
- Herbs and teas
The use of herbs in cooking is a good alternative when speed up metabolism , as these substances get speed up digestion and improve food assimilation and utilization. The same applies to the infusions , which will be of great use to the time to get speed up metabolism and keep our body cleansed and free from gases that can bloat your stomach .

As cleansing mask, Mejia proposes to mix one tablespoon of honey with a lightly beaten egg white and a teaspoon of milk powder. This mixture is applied with a brush and leave on face for 15 to 20 minutes and remove with warm water.
"For the treatment moisturizing mask also carries a tablespoon of honey, 1/4 mashed banana, a teaspoon of oatmeal and a teaspoon of plain yogurt," says makeup artist. "And when all the ingredients are fully incorporated applies with a brush on the face and clean."
As the mask cleaning, the moisturizer is not applied in the eye area and left on the face of the same time. And also remove with warm water.
Explains the makeup of stars like Shakira and Enrique Iglesias, the masks made ​​from natural products should be applied consistently to see the results of their benefits.
"The skin absorbs about 60% of what you apply, so that the more natural and are basic products we use, the better," said the expert in makeup and skin care.

Slimming legs. In women it is more common in men have thick legs due to the natural tendency to accumulate fat in the hips, buttocks (ass), calves, knees, ankles and the "cartridge" thighs. Popularly known as gynoid or "pear".

The risk is cellulite that can accompany this trend. Hence the need to take seriously drills and habits to avoid this risk and contribute to subtract weight and fat from these areas.

To go styling advise legs

1. Avoid a sedentary lifestyle. You have to move and strengthen the legs as possible. As a rule, walk at least half an hour a day.
Two. Physical exercises. If you are young it is advisable to dance. At all ages swimming. Highly recommended yoga and stretching in general. If you are in good shape to practice normal stationary bike or swimming.
Three. Tonic type diets rich in fiber. Fruit and vegetables in large quantity. Good pasta or cereal fiber, meat and fish, low fat dairy products also.
April. Drink plenty of water or non-carbonated liquid.
May. Dispense pastries, pastry, sugar and soda, fried, battered, salt, sodium rich products, meats, cheeses, preserves ...

Try to fight the "heavy legs" with daily care that are simple. We recommend:

* Massage gel or cream daily. For example combining a foot bath with red wine (70 g boiled. Per liter of water) and a massage with rosemary essential oil applied in an upward motion from the ankle up.
* Leverage showers and baths. With a mitt and alternating hot and cold water to massage movements such as those indicated in ele above.

In many cases, besides hormones may be a subject of genetic inheritance.

You're lucky to be slim, so you only cared about the volume and muscle toning. To comensar, get a diet in which eat 5 times a day, which is rich in caobohidratos, this diet will make you gain muscle without gaining fat Bölüm.
I suggest you get bodybuilding magazines which only hasle case routines (recomindo you MuscleMag magazine, perfectamante fucionado me)

Routines arms:

The most simple and easy are the sighientes

Biceps curls - Aislaminto

remain sitting on the edge of a low-rise bank or a regular chair, hold the dumbbell with one hand and place the elbow on the knee (but not on the inside, as if you will place the elbow in pairs), wake the dumbbell arm flexing inward elbow without taking your knee until you reach the height of your chest.
xercise have this 12 times in a row, rest and have another 12, and so on to make three series.

Using the Toolbar:

This exercise is to accompany:

bra lowers his rod with the weight that you like (watch your back), stand straight with legs slightly apart, elbows attached to your cintra, and lebantas arms flexing it until the bar up to your chin without moving elbows forward, and then to swing deciande buelves bar and up. Do this 12 veses three series.

The most important pear have biendefinido your arms are your triceps

therein to have volume

lie flat bench that has space back and lift a dumbbell with the (weight you feel is necessary) soteniendo with the dumbbell in both hands and stretch your arms out Ariiba up to your face, and flex backwards trying to keep the same picicion your elbows and up the dumbbell vuelbes. You have 3 sets of 12.

sorry for not wear a chest routine but I ran out of time

follow my recommendations and see you in a month to notice comensara Luck.

Forming chest muscles
According to Dr. Lee E. Brown of the National Strength and Conditioning , can take up to eight weeks following the right training program , see significant improvement in muscle size . To see significant benefits in two months, you have to do weight training aggressive. Dr. Joseph A. Chromiak , from the same organization , says that beginners tend to see faster results than those who were already training .

Developing your chest
To build your chest muscles as fast as possible , you should participate in a weight training program that is designed to build muscles primarily focusing on exercises that focus on the chest muscles. Train two or three days a week on nonconsecutive days and complete at least September 8th pectoral exercises during each session. This means , for example , you could choose two pectoral exercises and complete four sets of each, or choose four pectoral exercises and complete two sets of each. Advanced gymnasts should complete more than eight series to recharge your muscles and stimulate growth. Takes from eight to twenty repetitions in each serious resting between one to three minutes of each other .

There are a variety of chest exercises that you can use in your training sessions . Chromiak suggests changing the exercises regularly for better load your muscles and prevent stalling . Among the exercises that are effective include: bench press, incline bench , lizards , geckos low lift arms and chest closures .

While you train with weights on a frequent and loud , how fast you get your chest muscles also depends on a couple of factors that are beyond your control. These factors include a genetic map and the level of hormones that build the muscles that you personally own. Those with high levels of testosterone and growth hormones will be able to develop your chest faster than those with low levels. This means that women , who naturally have low levels of testosterone and growth hormones than men, will take longer to build muscle mass.

viernes, 30 de agosto de 2013

Carlos Alarcón as Charles Andrews & Cambridge, Future Ecuadorian British model.

Charles Andrews & Cambridge, Ecuadorian British.


  Charles describes his biography and his life and his dreams expected to be realized in this life with the help of Almighty God who is guiding every day of our lives.
It should also be emphasized as changing your name on a title Britain.

Biography of Charles.-


Name. - Carlos Andres
Name. - Alarcon
Citizenship. - Ecuador
Residence. - Pichincha / Quito
Studies performed. -
Study in the College Fray Jodoc Ricke was Adminisración bachelor Accountant and Commerce.
University is currently in Ecuador follow, same.
Want to continue Architecture because it is what catches your eye.
Her parents were. - Albaro Lydia and family situations who for tubieron be separated, but Lydia Charles sack later if Albaro who seek help from the abandonment.
Have. - Three brothers / sisters and a nephew from his sister, they are Veónica, Tania, Josue and his nephew from his older sister is Martin.


History of Charles    


Charles, begins life after finished her studies at the Secunaria decides to make plans for his life, although some people have listed with that plan what you intend to do in life yet the over all decides to stand on its own media, Charles Christmas season working for the Pink Corporation who claims to be serious but yet the reality is different, ell work two and half months without meeting the three semesters Contrado stipulated in the work, but nevertheless made ​​the most friendships at work being that their work more enjoyable and fun at the end realized that some people lacked character in itself, in some cases had to lie to please their friends but that over time became discord passing day at work felt happiness until the day came to say goodbye to the company, when he came out of the company because it settled then reflected on things that happened in your life, but not left to lie, seeing that was depressed at home doing nothing choose to enroll in leveling courses in Ecuador and continio Snna seeking alternatives for vidaa with his sister Veronica has been with the backing you around like a real family despite the, felt it lacked a father by his side but that did not stop the go ahead.
While he was in training for about three months, sometimes forgot his friends, but thought and thought, and it was said to be in their lives as they or a call through the phone, but in conclusion said "I have to call them bECAUSE I WANT TO KNOW iF ANY OF MY cALL ME MY CELL PHONE" uan ever get tired of calling their amgo because when they answered "Hello happened", he realized that his calling was useless . While he kept on leveling courses are made ​​friends but realized at the end that is run into the mirror, which was the lie he viewed their partner was lying so blatantly, then began to reflect and go into a depression sometimes wanted to get away from all people, at the end Desidio and lie face more but the point is that it was not honest with his friends, but with each passing day reflected much to the point of believing in the Royalty Britain. In which has renewed his vows, for no matter if it was part or blood or whether to go to England so it was important for the renewal of a Change as a true Knight of the Royalty, though not of Royalty felt that his heart belonged to that country is England. - Great Britain.


 Dreams of Charles


 The dreams that he thinks are the most important perform but mecionaremos how and to what purpose.

The most important thing is to finish studying Charles in Ecuador and work for a while until I can travel independisarse.
& Charles thinks being first Architect
Think build the house of your dreams but more for his mother, while it will create an organization in which housing benefit peculiar to each needy person without a home of their own.
& Charles intended to be after Model
Think pursue a career in modeling so your skills can travel model and thus U.S. foreign people relate to while also wants to meet his more anelada lingerie brand is VICTORIAS SECRET FASHION SHOW.
& Charles going to be in England
After following her modeling career in another paise think expander itself and leave high the name of Ecuador, his trip to England is to live a while you know its different locations while continuing to work as an architect and model.

These dreams from clear is basically designed from her family in order to bring them up.


His title of Appointment



Carlos Alarcon of nobility I vow stipulated in England who makes the closeness and continecte nuestri American state, which has all the skills and eventually will have to gradually putting into practice her royal title and headings.

Name as Ecuador. - Carlos Andres Alarcon
Citizenship. - Ecuador
Presence. - Men regardless of Title
Obligations. - Individuals
Scripture. - After Short
Language. - Spanish Ecuador
Belief state. - Politically
Label. - Not stabilized

Real appointment

Name as Ecuadorian British. - Charles Andrews & Cambridge
Citizenship. - British Ecuadorian
Presence. - Duke, Royal Knight
Obligations. - Ecuador Royal British
Scripture. - Real Writing a Royal Knight Duke
Language. - British English and Spanish Ecuadorian
Belief state. - British Royalty
Label. - If Stabilized

 Good finishing and summarize all my life I just want to emphasize that before DQE fulfill my dreams I want to be as Model Daniel.

sábado, 10 de agosto de 2013

Victorias Secret Fashion Show 2010 Letra Musical de Katy Perry Teenage Dream, Hot And Cold, California Gurls

Katy Perry Teenage Dream, Hot And Cold, California Gurls

Then we present the links so you can see the video of 2010 VICTORIAS SECRET PINK PLANET final segment.

You think I'm pretty
Without any makeup on
You think I'm funny
When I tell the punchline wrong
I know you get me
So I let my walls come down, down

Before you met me
I was a wreck but things
Were kinda heavy
You brought me to life
Now every February
You'll be my Valentine, Valentine

Let's go all the way tonight
No regrets, just love
We can dance, until we die
You and I, will be young forever

You make me feel
Like I'm livin' a
Teenage dream
The way you turn me on
I can't sleep
Let's run away and
Don't ever look back,
Don't ever look back

My heart stops
When you look at me
Just one touch
Now baby I believe
This is real
So take a chance and
Don't ever look back,
Don't ever look back

I'mma get your heart racing
In my skin tights jeans
Be your teenage dream tonight
Let you put your hands on me
In my skin tight jeans
Be your teenage dream tonight

You change your mind
Like a girl changes clothes
Yeah you, PMS
Like a bitch
I would know
And you overthink
Always speak
I should know
That you're no good for me

Cause you're hot then you're cold
You're yes then you're no
You're in and you're out
You're up and you're down
You're wrong when it's right
We fight, we break up
We kiss, we make up
You, You don't really want to stay, no
You, but you don't really want to go-o
You're hot then you're cold
You're yes then you're no
You're in and you're out
You're up and you're down

You could travel the world
But nothing comes close to the golden coast
Once you party with us, you’ll be falling in love
Oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh

California girls, we’re unforgettable
Daisy Dukes, bikinis on top
Sun-kissed skin, so hot will melt your popsicle
Oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh
California girls, we’re undeniable
Fine, fresh, fierce, we got it on lock
West coast represent, now put your hands up
Oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh

California girls, we’re unforgettable
Daisy Dukes, bikinis on top
Sun-kissed skin, so hot will melt your popsicle
Oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh
California girls, we’re undeniable
Fine, fresh, fierce, we got it on lock
West coast represent, now put your hands up
Oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh
Oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh